Kasai, Yoshinori, “Participatory Governance in Quezon City in the Philippines: Case of the City Development Council and BDP-PLA”, International Sociological Association Research Committee 21, Tokyo, Japan, 2008
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Changing from Scavengers to Eco-Volunteers”, Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, USA, 2009
Kasai, Yoshinori and Risa Suzuki, “Footprints of a Mothers’ Organization in Tatalon in Quezon City from Marcos Era to Present: Protestation against and Collaboration with Government”, Asia-Pacific Peace Research Associate, Hualien, Taiwan, 2009
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Positive Identification and Solidarity: Cases of People’s Movements in Quezon City in the Philippines”, International Joint Symposium: Designing Governance for Civil Society, Tokyo, Japan, 2009
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Rethinking Community Organizing through Alinsky-Model: Cases of Social Movements in the Philippines”, Fudan-Keio-Yonsei Graduate Students Forum on Global Governance, Shanghai, China, 2009
Kasai, Yoshinori, Comunidad Local y Asociación de Vecinos, la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y el Consulado General del Japón, Jornada de Investigación: “Comunidades Locales en Japón: Personas, Memoria e Identitad, Barcelona, 2018.
Kasai, Yoshinori and Atsushi Nakagawa, “A Collaboration on Folklore Research between a City Museum and a Private University”, ICOM-KYOTO CAMOC-DEMHIST Session, City and House Museums in the Context of Revising Museum Definition, Kyoto, Japan, 2019.
ICOM: International Council of Museums
CAMOC: ICOM International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Mueum of Cities
DEMHIST: ICOM International Committee for Historic House Museums
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Beyond Pessimism toward Marginalized Communities: Multiple Local Communities in Rural Japan”, The UP Asian Center and the Japan Foundation Manila, Debriefing Seminar and Special Lecture on Japanese Politics and Society, Manila, the Philippines, via Zoom Webinar, 2020.
Okabe, K., Y. Kasai, A. Nakagawa, K. Takeyama, W. Morioka, A. Matsumoto, “Utilizing Allotment of Land in Chiken-torisirabe-soezu along Tokaido in Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture,” CSIS Days 2021, Tokyo, Japan, via Zoom Webinar.
Kasai, Yoshinori, “An Analysis of the Distribution of Small Place Names:The Case of Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan”, AAG 2023 Annual Meeting, The Place Naming Turn 2, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2023.
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Older Adults’ Civic Engagement in Various Way: Based on Their Life Histories and Local Newsletters”, ISA XX World Congress of Sociology, Civic Engagement in Later Life: Expanding the Social Gerontological Imagination, Melbourne, Australia, 2023.
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Voluntary Association As a Predecessor of Resident Self-Governing Bodies in Japan “, ISA XX World Congress of Sociology, Historical Sociology of Organizations. Part II, Melbourne, Australia, 2023.
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Local Communities and Pilgrimage Associations: A Case Study of Iseko”, International Academic Forum “Asian Spirits in Culture”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023.
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Half a Century in a ‘New’ Town: Biographies of Residents and Neighborhood Associations”, ISA RC38 Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2024.
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Human Connections in Traditional Hamlet and a New Town in Japan: Life Histories, Folklore, and Public History”, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (臺灣國立政治大學), 2024.
Kasai, Yoshinori, “Trends in Public History in Japan”, Taiwan Association of Public History(臺灣大眾史學協會), Taipei City University(臺北市立大学), 2024.